Monrovians - Unite! Democracy and Central Planning.
Hayek asserts that the common features of all collectivist systems may be described in a phrase dear to Socialists of all stripes as "the deliberate organization of the labors of society for a definite social goal."
This directs us immediately to the point of conflict that must arise between individual freedom and collectivism of all types. The various kinds of collectivism (communism, fascism, socialism, Democratic socialism, etc.) differs among themselves primarily in the nature of the "social" goal toward which they want to direct the efforts of the society. Each of them differs from classical liberalism and individualism in wanting to organize all of society and all of its resources towards this unitary end, and in refusing to recognize autonomous spheres in which the ends of the individual are supreme. In short, they are totalitarian in the true sense of the word.
The "social goal" or "common purpose" for which society is to be organized is usually vaguely described as the "common good" or "general welfare" or "general interest." Thinking about these terms, one quickly realizes that they do not have sufficient meaning to determine a particular course of action. The welfare of a people, like the happiness of an individual, depends on a great many things that can be provided in an infinite variety of combinations.
Hayek asserts that the "common good" cannot be expressed as a single end, but only as a hierarchy of ends, a comprehensive scale of values in which every need of every person is given its place. To direct ALL of our activities according to a single plan (the central plan) presupposes that every one of our needs is given its rank in an order of values which must be complete enough to make it possible to decide among all the different courses which the planner has to choose.
In our society there is neither occasion or reason why the people should develop common views about what should be done. But where all the means of production to be used are the property of society and are to be used in the name of society according to a unitary or central plan, a "social" view about what ought to be done must guide ALL decisions. In such a world, Hayek asserts, we would soon find that our moral code is full of gaps.
Hayek notes that the growth of civilization has been accompanied by a steady reduction of the spheres in which individual actions are bound by fixed rules. The rules of which our collective moral code consists have become progressively fewer and more general in character. There simply is not a universal moral code which can direct every aspect of society.
Even if there were such a moral code, it would be impossible for any person to comprehend the infinite variety of different needs of different people which compete for the available resources and to attach a definite weight to each one. Hayek asserts that this is the fundamental fact on which the philosophy of individualism is based. Since no person can possibly take the needs of every other person into account, and so all such judgments are inevitably based on limited facts and considerations each individual should be able to utilize his own limited view of what priorities ought to be, as far as possible.
This does not preclude people having similar or even identical ideas, nor preclude the recognition of social ends. Rather, it limits the government's power to act to those matters in which the majority of people agree that it should act. Individual are free to act together, or to contribute towards a common goal with time and resources, but has extremely limited power to force others to join a cause with which they either disagree or consider a lower priority than some other social good.
Where a common organization, including the state, is created to act on behalf of individuals, in the individual model the organization or State is but one person among many, not the supreme power. But once the State controls a critical mass of the society's resources, its influence becomes so large that it affects the rest of society unduly.
When people vote for a socialist or collectivist system, they are normally only voting for the mechanism by which the "common good" will be obtained. Once the State has sufficient power, it becomes apparent that the meaning of "common good" to those in power only occasionally matches the vast majority of people. Imagine that a group of people all agree to take a trip together in a car, but don't first agree on the specifics of where the car is going. They may end up on a visit to a destination that the majority of them do not want to be at. By having a central planner with a powerful State, action requires that the people agree on a much greater number of topics and policies than previously required. The system is required to force "agreement" by everyone in order to maintain legitimacy, and anyone who does not agree becomes an enemy of the State. But the people may prefer no plan to adopting any of the plans proposed for adoption by the Legislature, even if the lack of plan is otherwise not optimal. In other words, no plan is often better than a bad plan, so unless a consensus is reached, the people have made this choice.
A Legislature may not be able to take action to address a problem, but this would only be because the people's representatives are unable to reach agreement on the action to be taken. Lacking a consensus, the State cannot force its citizens to act in ways in which the majority will disagree. Indeed, this perceived inaction is often the very motivation for those who want to leave everything over to the "experts" or "central planners" so that the ones with the power will actually be able to take action.
Most democracies seek to resolve this problem by delegating discreet issues to bureaucracies and "independent" agencies empower to enact rules in a limited sphere of authority. Presumably, if the people are unhappy enough with the rules thus promulgated, they can choose to change the bureaucrats, the rules themselves, or even abolish the bureaucracy itself. But if a Democracy decides to adopt central planning, the requirements of central planning will eviscerate personal freedom. This is true whether this is a technical dictatorship or a technical Democracy because central planning by its very nature is antithetical to personal freedom.
A free market system does not require agreement between all who participate in it. It works to resolve problems by permitting each person a vote. The market system adapts to the varying and often contradictory aims of those who participate in it. One person wants all blue walls, another wants yellow, another wants no walls at all - each has the opportunity to satisfy his own definition of the best use of his or her resources. Tremendous actions can be achieved where a large number of people agree on the common good - but only for so long as the agreement holds.
Businesses spring up spontaneously and grow to great heights. Businesses disappear when its services no longer meet the needs of enough people. But neither requires a society-wide consensus to take place.
Monrovia - Unite!
encourage right action, light candles, not curse the darkness; Take action whenever we can; never, never give up!
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
Wednesday, September 5, 2018
Our Lady of Guadalupe - 1531
Monrovians - Unite! Know your history and traditions.
We must sadly remember that the Aztec priest class executed annually at least 50,000 inhabitans of the land, men, women and children, in human sacrifices to their gods. In 1487, just in a single 4 days long ceremony for the dedication of a new temple in Tenochtitlan, some 80,000 captives were killed in human sacrifice. The same practices, which in most cases included the cannibalism of the victims limbs, were common also in earlier Mesoamerican cultures, with widespread Olmec, Toltec and Maya human sacrificing rituals.
An almost universal symbol of that religion was the serpent. The temples were richly decorated with snakes. Human sacrifices were heralded by the prolonged beating of huge drums made of the skins of huge snakes, which could be heard two miles away. Nowhere else in human history had Satan, the ancient serpent, so formalized his worship with so many of his own actual symbols.
Certainly, in this case, within a few years of the apparition of Mary in 1531, millions of the natives converted to Christianity.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patroness of the Americas. The story of the apparition can be found here.
In 1531 a "Lady from Heaven" appeared to a humble Native American at Tepeyac, a hill northwest of what is now Mexico City.
She identified herself as the ever virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the True God for whom we live, of the Creator of all things, Lord of heaven and the earth.
She made a request for a church to be built on the site, and submitted her wish to the local Bishop. When the Bishop hesitated, and requested her for a sign, the Mother of God obeyed without delay or question to the Church's local Bishop, and sent her native messenger to the top of the hill in mid-December to gather an assorment of roses for the Bishop.
After complying to the Bishop's request for a sign, She also left for us an image of herself imprinted miraculously on the native's tilma, a poor quality cactus-cloth, which should have deteriorated in 20 years but shows no sign of decay 477 years later and still defies all scientific explanations of its origin.
It apparently even reflects in Her eyes what was in front of her in 1531.
Her message of love and compassion, and her universal promise of help and protection to all mankind, as well as the story of the apparitions, are described in the "Nican Mopohua", a 16th century document written in the native Nahuatl language.
There is reason to believe that at Tepeyac Mary came in her glorified body, and her actual physical hands rearranged the roses in Juan Diego’s tilma, which makes this apparition very special.
An incredible list of miracles, cures and interventions are attributed to Her. Yearly, between 18 - 20 million pilgrims visit the Basilica, making it Christianity's most visited sanctuary.
We must sadly remember that the Aztec priest class executed annually at least 50,000 inhabitans of the land, men, women and children, in human sacrifices to their gods. In 1487, just in a single 4 days long ceremony for the dedication of a new temple in Tenochtitlan, some 80,000 captives were killed in human sacrifice. The same practices, which in most cases included the cannibalism of the victims limbs, were common also in earlier Mesoamerican cultures, with widespread Olmec, Toltec and Maya human sacrificing rituals.
Certainly, in this case, within a few years of the apparition of Mary in 1531, millions of the natives converted to Christianity.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patroness of the Americas. The story of the apparition can be found here. Mesoamerica, the New World, 1521: The capital city of the Aztec empire falls under the Spanish forces. Less than 20 years later, 9 million of the inhabitants of the land, who professed for centuries a polytheistic and human sacrificing religion, are converted to Christianity. What happened in those times that produced such an incredible and historically unprecedented conversion?
In 1531 a "Lady from Heaven" appeared to a humble Native American at Tepeyac, a hill northwest of what is now Mexico City.
She identified herself as the ever virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the True God for whom we live, of the Creator of all things, Lord of heaven and the earth.
She made a request for a church to be built on the site, and submitted her wish to the local Bishop. When the Bishop hesitated, and requested her for a sign, the Mother of God obeyed without delay or question to the Church's local Bishop, and sent her native messenger to the top of the hill in mid-December to gather an assorment of roses for the Bishop.
After complying to the Bishop's request for a sign, She also left for us an image of herself imprinted miraculously on the native's tilma, a poor quality cactus-cloth, which should have deteriorated in 20 years but shows no sign of decay 477 years later and still defies all scientific explanations of its origin.
It apparently even reflects in Her eyes what was in front of her in 1531.
Her message of love and compassion, and her universal promise of help and protection to all mankind, as well as the story of the apparitions, are described in the "Nican Mopohua", a 16th century document written in the native Nahuatl language.
There is reason to believe that at Tepeyac Mary came in her glorified body, and her actual physical hands rearranged the roses in Juan Diego’s tilma, which makes this apparition very special.
An incredible list of miracles, cures and interventions are attributed to Her. Yearly, between 18 - 20 million pilgrims visit the Basilica, making it Christianity's most visited sanctuary.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Foothills Pregnancy Resource Center
Monrovians - Unite! The Foothills Pregnancy Resource Center needs volunteers.
924 Buena Vista Street #202
Duarte, CA 91010
(626) 358-2122 (general line)
(626)-241-5997 (post-abortion line)*
(626)-241-5997 (post-abortion line)*
*Post-abortion support: this number will direct individuals to One-on-One or small group sessions. Feel free to call anytime for a recorded message. Our director will call you personally.)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday 11:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday 2:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday Closed
(all info as of September 4, 2018)
(all info as of September 4, 2018)
11am -
2pm -
11am -
2pm -
11am -
Parenting Classes
The third Tuesday of every month at 11am.
Guys for Guys Mentoring
On individual basis.
Support Group
Call center for times.
Abortion Healing
Call center for times.
All services are free and confidential
- Free and Confidential Urine Pregnancy Test
- Peer Counseling
- Information about Abortion Procedures and Risks
- Information about Natural Family Planning
- Post-abortion Support Services
- One-On-One mentoring
- Community Referrals
- Material Assistance for Mother and Baby
- Parenting Classes
Once you arrive at the Center, you will enter the newly-remodeled and friendly lobby. They even have a play area for small children. The staff will greet you and begin assisting you.
You will be given some paperwork to fill out for their records. Due to a new California State law, they are required to make a photocopy of picture ID's. This is for your identity protection. All of their relationship-building services are free and confidential.
Some of the resources available through Foothills Pregnancy Resource Center are:
Monrovia Chamber Government Affairs Committee
Monrovians - Unite! Here is a great opportunity to participate in shaping our city.
Carol Liu
25th State Senatorial District
501 N. Central Ave.
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 409-0400
Congresswoman Judy Chu
27th Congressional District
(626) 304-0110 (626) 304-0132
527 S. Lake Ave. Suite 106
Pasadena, CA 91101
Grace Napolitano
32nd Congressional District
(626) 350-0150 (626) 350-0450 4
401 Santa Anita Ave., Suite 201
El Monte, CA 91731
Chris Holden
41st Assembly District
(626) 351-1917 (626) 351-6176
600 N. Rosemead Blvd. Suite 117
Pasadena, CA 91107
Michael D. Antonovich
Supervisor 5th District
(909) 394-2264 (909) 592-0751
615 E. Foothill Blvd. #A
San Dimas, CA 91773
Roger Hernandez
48th Assembly District
(626) 960-4457 (626) 960-1310
100 N. Barranca St. Suite 105
West Covina, CA 91791
Part of the mission of the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce is to keep members informed on legislative issues that may affect their everyday business activities. Chamber staff handles numerous requests on a daily basis, directing members through what can seem like a bureaucratic maze. We work closely with the city of Monrovia and other government entities to serve the interests of the business community.
Karin Crehan, Executive Director, and Bob Helbing, Chair of Government Affairs, actively represent your business interests through a variety of avenues. For example, Crehan is a member of the San Gabriel Valley Legislative Coalition of Chambers, who meet monthly to discuss issues that may directly affect how you do business in Monrovia and the region. Crehan also regularly attends and keeps abreast of Metro Gold Line Extension Authority information.
The Government Affairs Committee is informed on legislative activity at the local, state, and federal levels. Local business members, representatives from the city of Monrovia, Supervisor Antonovich, Assembly Member Holden, Senator Liu, Congresswomen Chu & Napolitano, the League of Women Voters, along with the Monrovia Unified School District assemble monthly at the Chamber to discuss current legislation that can influence your business.
The Chamber welcomes you to get involved and join it for the meetings.
This committee meets the second Tuesday of the Month at 8:00 a.m., all committee meetings are held in the conference room at the Monrovia Chamber of Commerce, 620 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, CA 91016, unless otherwise noted.
Carol Liu
25th State Senatorial District
501 N. Central Ave.
Glendale, CA 91203
(818) 409-0400
Congresswoman Judy Chu
27th Congressional District
(626) 304-0110 (626) 304-0132
527 S. Lake Ave. Suite 106
Pasadena, CA 91101
Grace Napolitano
32nd Congressional District
(626) 350-0150 (626) 350-0450 4
401 Santa Anita Ave., Suite 201
El Monte, CA 91731
Chris Holden
41st Assembly District
(626) 351-1917 (626) 351-6176
600 N. Rosemead Blvd. Suite 117
Pasadena, CA 91107
Michael D. Antonovich
Supervisor 5th District
(909) 394-2264 (909) 592-0751
615 E. Foothill Blvd. #A
San Dimas, CA 91773
Roger Hernandez
48th Assembly District
(626) 960-4457 (626) 960-1310
100 N. Barranca St. Suite 105
West Covina, CA 91791
More Useful Phone Numbers
Monrovians - Unite! Courtesy of
CITY HALL - 626-932-5550
FIRE DEPT. - 626-256-8181
POLICE DEPT. - 626-256-8000
Monrovia Community Services Dept. Recreation and Senior Services - 626-256-8246
Monrovia Canyon Park - 626-256-8282
Historical Museum - 626-358-6192
KGEM Community Media of the Foothills - 626-357-4974
Library - 626-256-8274
Monrovia Unified School Dist. - 626-471-2000
CITY HALL - 626-932-5550
FIRE DEPT. - 626-256-8181
POLICE DEPT. - 626-256-8000
Monrovia Community Services Dept. Recreation and Senior Services - 626-256-8246
Monrovia Canyon Park - 626-256-8282
Historical Museum - 626-358-6192
KGEM Community Media of the Foothills - 626-357-4974
Library - 626-256-8274
Monrovia Unified School Dist. - 626-471-2000
Declaration of Independence - Spanish and English
Monrovians - Unite! Know the principles upon which our society and government are built.
Got a few minutes? When's the last time you read the Declaration of Independence? See it in English or Spanish below.
With the signing of the Declaration of Independence, representatives of the Thirteen Colonies in North America announced the formal separation of those colonies from Great Britain and the creation of the autonomous United States of America. The text was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and revised by Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson, before it was put before the Second Continental Congress of Philadelphia, where it was changed again. The final draft was adopted on July 4, 1776.
The Declaration's first couple of paragraphs read as follows:
Action of Second Continental Congress, July 4, 1776
The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.
La Declaración Unánime de los trece Estados unidos de América
CUANDO en el Curso de los Acontecimientos humanos se hace necesario que un Pueblo disuelva los Lazos Políticos que lo han vinculado a otro y adopte entre los Poderes de la Tierra la Posición igual y separada a la que las Leyes de la Naturaleza y de la Naturaleza Divina le dan derecho, un Respeto apropiado por la Opinión de la Humanidad exige que dicho pueblo declare los motivos que lo impulsan a la Separación.
Sostenemos que estas Verdades son evidentes en sí mismas: que todos los Hombres son creados iguales, que su Creador los ha dotado de ciertos Derechos inalienables, que entre ellos se encuentran la Vida, la Libertad y la Búsqueda de la Felicidad. Que para asegurar estos Derechos se instituyen Gobiernos entre los Hombres, los cuales derivan sus Poderes legítimos del Consentimiento de los Gobernados; que el Pueblo tiene el derecho de cambiar o abolir cualquier otra Forma de Gobierno que tienda a destruir estos Propósitos, y de instituir un nuevo Gobierno, Fundado en tales Principios, y de organizar sus Poderes en tal Forma que la realización de su Seguridad y Felicidad sean más viables. La Prudencia ciertamente aconsejará que Gobiernos establecidos por bastante tiempo no sean cambiados por Causas triviales y efímeras; y como toda Experiencia lo ha demostrado, la Humanidad está más dispuesta al sufrimiento mientras el Mal sea soportable, que al derecho propio de abolir las Formas a las que se ha acostumbrado. Pero cuando una larga Sucesión de Abusos y Usurpaciones, todos ellos encaminados de manera invariable hacia el mismo Objetivo, revelan la Intención de someter a dicho Pueblo al absoluto Despotismo, es su Derecho, es su Deber, derrocar a tal Gobierno y nombrar nuevos Guardianes de su futura Seguridad. Tal ha sido el paciente Sufrimiento de estas Colonias; y tal es hoy la Necesidad que las obliga a modificar sus anteriores Sistemas de Gobierno. La Crónica del actual Rey de Gran Bretaña es una Crónica de repetidas Injurias y Usurpaciones, todas ellas dirigidas al Establecimiento de una Tiranía absoluta sobre estos Estados. Para probar esto, expongamos los Hechos a un Mundo sincero.
Got a few minutes? When's the last time you read the Declaration of Independence? See it in English or Spanish below.
With the signing of the Declaration of Independence, representatives of the Thirteen Colonies in North America announced the formal separation of those colonies from Great Britain and the creation of the autonomous United States of America. The text was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and revised by Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson, before it was put before the Second Continental Congress of Philadelphia, where it was changed again. The final draft was adopted on July 4, 1776.
The Declaration's first couple of paragraphs read as follows:
Action of Second Continental Congress, July 4, 1776
The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America
WHEN in the Course of human Events, it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation.
WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness—That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great-Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World.
La Declaración de Independencia
Acción del Segundo Congreso Continental, 4 de julio de 1776La Declaración Unánime de los trece Estados unidos de América
CUANDO en el Curso de los Acontecimientos humanos se hace necesario que un Pueblo disuelva los Lazos Políticos que lo han vinculado a otro y adopte entre los Poderes de la Tierra la Posición igual y separada a la que las Leyes de la Naturaleza y de la Naturaleza Divina le dan derecho, un Respeto apropiado por la Opinión de la Humanidad exige que dicho pueblo declare los motivos que lo impulsan a la Separación.
Sostenemos que estas Verdades son evidentes en sí mismas: que todos los Hombres son creados iguales, que su Creador los ha dotado de ciertos Derechos inalienables, que entre ellos se encuentran la Vida, la Libertad y la Búsqueda de la Felicidad. Que para asegurar estos Derechos se instituyen Gobiernos entre los Hombres, los cuales derivan sus Poderes legítimos del Consentimiento de los Gobernados; que el Pueblo tiene el derecho de cambiar o abolir cualquier otra Forma de Gobierno que tienda a destruir estos Propósitos, y de instituir un nuevo Gobierno, Fundado en tales Principios, y de organizar sus Poderes en tal Forma que la realización de su Seguridad y Felicidad sean más viables. La Prudencia ciertamente aconsejará que Gobiernos establecidos por bastante tiempo no sean cambiados por Causas triviales y efímeras; y como toda Experiencia lo ha demostrado, la Humanidad está más dispuesta al sufrimiento mientras el Mal sea soportable, que al derecho propio de abolir las Formas a las que se ha acostumbrado. Pero cuando una larga Sucesión de Abusos y Usurpaciones, todos ellos encaminados de manera invariable hacia el mismo Objetivo, revelan la Intención de someter a dicho Pueblo al absoluto Despotismo, es su Derecho, es su Deber, derrocar a tal Gobierno y nombrar nuevos Guardianes de su futura Seguridad. Tal ha sido el paciente Sufrimiento de estas Colonias; y tal es hoy la Necesidad que las obliga a modificar sus anteriores Sistemas de Gobierno. La Crónica del actual Rey de Gran Bretaña es una Crónica de repetidas Injurias y Usurpaciones, todas ellas dirigidas al Establecimiento de una Tiranía absoluta sobre estos Estados. Para probar esto, expongamos los Hechos a un Mundo sincero.
Ninth Amendment to the United States Constitution
Monrovians - Unite! Know and defend our Constitution. What do you think it means? Your comments are welcome.
One resource is the Center for Constitutional Studies.
The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Ratified effective December 15, 1791.
Here is a Constitutional Reading List, with all materials free to you.
One resource is the Center for Constitutional Studies.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Ratified effective December 15, 1791.
Here is a Constitutional Reading List, with all materials free to you.
How Markets Work
Monrovians - Unite!
Check out the link to watch a FREE lecture on the principles of free market economics - in this case how markets work. Very entertaining, and very informative.
Immaculate Conception Church - built in 1906 - is a waymark
Monrovians - Unite!
Who'd have guess that our own Immaculate Conception Church, built in 1906, is a waymark.
Visit the waymark site for a variety of beautiful pictures of the church, a description of the fun of waymarks, of which there are several varieties to add interest to your travels, and even to add your own pictures and description of your visit to a waymark.
Who'd have guess that our own Immaculate Conception Church, built in 1906, is a waymark.
Visit the waymark site for a variety of beautiful pictures of the church, a description of the fun of waymarks, of which there are several varieties to add interest to your travels, and even to add your own pictures and description of your visit to a waymark.
Monrovia Health Center - free clinic
Monrovians - Unite! Stay in good health. FREE public health services.
Monrovia Health Center
330 West Maple Avenue
Monrovia, CA 91016
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Monrovians - Unite! Democracy and Central Planning. Hayek asserts that the common features of all collectivist systems may be described i...
Monrovians - Unite! Know your history and traditions. W e must sadly remember that the Aztec priest class executed annually at least 50...